August 2016

The Future of Marketing is Increasingly Collaborative

A few years back, I witnessed one of my co-workers plotting to seek revenge on Time Warner Cable after a particularly annoying incident. Allegedly, she had taken a whole day off work to wait for the cable guy who never showed up, then later charged her for something she didn’t buy; when she called customer service, they put her on hold multiple times. The anger was building in her and she was determined to fix this on her lunch break, so she brought out the big guns: Twitter.

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Choosing the Right Team for Ultimate Work-Life Satisfaction

We in the business world love our acronyms…B2B, CPC, CTR, KPI, PPC, ROI…the list goes on and on. So here’s one more to add to your abbreviation word bank: TRIFC. Sure, it exceeds the traditional acronym count by 2 characters, but these 5 little letters can make a big difference in our five workdays. Here’s how I came to this declarative realization.

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