EMC Record Breaker

Announcing the breaking of records without sounding like a broken record. This was the challenge accepted by Trepoint to generate buzz and excitement for a series of new product launches for EMC. The launches were “teased” through social media channels from various industry experts and potential clients, with global announcements made simultaneously in New York, London and Tokyo.

Based on a “Breaking Records” theme, Trepoint developed a number of effective marketing strategies and tactics to help activate intrigue and awareness amongst the target audience. A combination of social content and engagement activities, including a “broken record” game (putting broken record pieces together against the clock), and a direct mail “broken record” puzzle were among the tactics used to arouse curiosity of upcoming EMC products in the digital community.

After the execution of this socially active approach, EMC tripled their Facebook fans count in 30 days and generated dramatic registration increase thanks to thousands of game interactions.