Customer Journey

Future of Customer Service: Predicting And Solving Problems Before They Happen

The future of customer service will be measured in the number of calls eliminated by predictive and prescriptive diagnostics. Gone are the days when your calls are routed to unqualified personnel whose only job is to document your problem and reroute you. Big data has forever changed the nature of customer service and leading the charge is Rod Bagg, Vice President of Analytics and Customer Support for Nimble Storage.

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Finding the Haystack That Has the Needle

Think about the last time you made a major product purchase. For the sake of example, let’s pretend you were on the hunt for a ginormous 60’ HD television to wow your friends during the Super Bowl.

Unless you were the A/V Captain in high school, you probably didn’t start your journey by searching Amazon for “Samsung model UN60JU7100″. Instead, you may have begun with a little Google exploration, searching for “Best HD TV’s” or “Top televisions for sports”. Or perhaps you took to Twitter and asked your trusted network if they could offer recommendations on the topic.

At the end of the day, you probably didn’t know exactly what you were hunting for, or where you would end up. As a savvy digital consumer, you were beginning the research phase and most likely seeking consumer opinions to help inform your purchase decision.

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Fishing Where the Fish Are

Are you easy to conduct business with? Is your path to purchase a frictionless experience or are there unnecessary obstacles that potential buyers have to overcome? Are you engaging tomorrows customers in the places they’re informing purchase decisions or are you waiting (and hoping) they come to you?

More often than not, brands embrace a ‘If we build it, they will come’ strategy. Unless you’re Apple, that’s probably not going to work for you. In fact, a good percentage of your potential customers likely don’t even know you exist. So how do you open your aperture a bit and look beyond the confines of your own world in the interest of customer acquisition?

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5 Ways to Activate Employees within the Customer Journey

Engaged employees are key to a companies’ success. Studies suggest that companies with engaged employees outperform those without by as much as 202%. Put simply we all want to feel like we’re part of something bigger, and that we’re contributing to a grander mission.

Digital offers many ways to engage employees. Inside the business, we can leverage the power of community to ignite global collaboration, enable bi-directional communications and further cement a sense of team across disparate geographies.

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4 Ways to Create Customer Advocates

Customer opinion is the most powerful marketing tool available to businesses. Through social media, Yelp, or Google reviews, potential customers look to current customers for unbiased, neutral feedback and are much more likely to take action based on others’ experiences. This is why your customers are your most powerful marketers.

Social media has amplified the customer voice to unprecedented levels; no question about it, the good, the bad and the downright ugly will be heard…LOUDLY.

Savvy marketers know that to build trust in the social media age, they must continually elevate the customer experience. An optimized customer experience = consumer trust = referrals.

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